About Us
Flatwater Marathon Racing
Marathon racing includes paddlers from 8-80+yrs old and is mostly based on ability,
At 8-12yrs there are special races, usually separate for boys and girls. These races are around 2 miles long.
From 12yrs up racing takes place in Divisions, as you get faster you progress up the Divisions from Div 10 up to Div 1.
From Div 10-7 races are 4 miles long
From Div 6-3 races are 8 miles long
Div 2&1 races are 12 miles long.
Gailey race all around the Midlands and usually in the end of year final which can be anywhere in the country. All races are held on Sundays and are great social events
Flatwater Sprint
Sprint racing involves paddling as fast as you can in a straight line over a short distance.
These races are set in ability categories or occasionally in age groups, male and females usually race separately.
Distances include 200m, 500m, 1000m, 2k and 5k.
Sprint races at the moment are held at HPP in Nottingham, 4 or 5 times through the year, but there is a drive to have more 'regional' or club sprint events.
Gailey CC Committee
Elected Officers 2024/5:
Chairperson - John Clive - john.clive@btinternet.com - 07790 216741
Vice Chairperson - Simon Eskriett
Secretary - Louise Clive - l.clive@gaileycc.co.uk
Trainee Secretary - Amy Gray
Treasurer - Louise Clive
Team Leader - John Clive (Marathon) Simon Eskriett (Sprint)
Paddlers Rep - Steve Smith & Rob Shaw
Parent Rep - Lorne Gray & Adam Mitchell
Health & Safety - John Clive
Junior Coordinator - Simon Eskriett
Duty Holders:
Welfare Officers - John Clive / Dawn Shaw (on site) Louise Clive (off site)
Publicity / Fundraising - Whole Club
Website - Louise Clive
Race Organiser - Louise Clive
Race Entry Officers - Amy Gray & Emma Eskriett
Club House Team - Amy Gray, Emma Mitchell, Karenza Levett